Haul : Belif, Josie Maran, Sugar Pill, Too Faced, CharlotteTilbury, Dior, Too Faced, Em

by Tarababyz

Haul : Belif, Josie Maran, Sugar Pill, Too Faced, CharlotteTilbury, Dior, Too Faced, Em


Open Me n Watch in HD More info can be found here including the makeup I m wearing in this video Products Mentioned in Video Belif The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb Other Shtuff I now accept PR Email tarababyz outlook com I DO NOT do sponsored videos nor have I ever done or plan to do at this time FAQ Where are you from North Dakota USA Ft B Rez What Nationality are you Native American Mandan Hidatsa my Ma is Norwegian Are your eyes real or contacts They are real Products I m wearing in this video I ve been asked frequently to link the products I m talking about in the description box so I m going to try my best to start doing it It takes me a lot of extra time to do this so I decided to try out a 3rd party linking service that generates a small commission off of some of the links I really appreciate if you decide to use these link I still really appreciate you if you decide not to use these links Please let me know if its helpful Thank You in advance




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