fantasy flower with beads hand...
fantasy flower with beads hand embroidery| beaded embroidery design for dress Dear Viewer, Hope you are enjoying my video.
In Indonesia the Murtabak is one of the most popular street foods and is known as martabak There are two Indonesian versions a sweet one and a savory one with egg and meat The common ingredients of Indonesian egg martabak besides the dough is seasoned ground meat beef chicken or mutton sliced green onions some herbs optional beaten eggs salt and potatoes Some street vendors mix the ground beef with curry seasoning In Indonesia the common spices to make the seasoned ground meat are shallots garlic ginger cumin coriander turmeric some salt and sometimes a little bit of monosodium glutamate All the spices are ground or minced and stir fried altogether Some martabak makers add extra ingredients and other varieties to make their martabak unique but they all share the same main dough To sauté martabak the chef uses a very large flat frying pan or iron griddle Usually they use vegetable oil to sauté but it is not uncommon to use ghee or butter too Before serving martabak usually is cut into portions Savoury versions of martabak in Indonesia Malaysia and Singapore usually is served with pickled condiments consisting of diced cucumber sliced carrot shallots and sliced chillies in sweetened vinegar In Malaysia Singapore and some areas in Sumatra martabak is served with kari curry gravy In Palembang another variety to serve martabak is with curry usually diced potatoes in beef curry and topped with chillies in sweet sour soy sauce
fantasy flower with beads hand embroidery| beaded embroidery design for dress Dear Viewer, Hope you are enjoying my video.
🌸하비풀 온라인 기초 정규 클래스 : 🌸자수 재료 온라인 구매 :
100均円ショップの材料で人魚の鱗をイメージしたネックレスを作りました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料と購入店を書いています↓ [材料] ・シリコンシート型 :Seria ・UVクラフトレジン液(ハード) :DAISO ・UVカラーレジン液(クリアブルー) :DAIS...
秀吉が熟睡しているのでついつい遊んでみました^^ マンチカン特有の可愛さがあります♪
普段は水質測定など全くしないのですが、気が向いて測ってみたところ、pH10超えというとんでもない数値を示しました。 本当にこんな数値の中で、メダカたちは暮らしているのでしょうか? 一方、猛暑は最高潮。37度の水温を記録しました。
I've been wearing this foundation for a number of days and tried it with several different skincare products, no skincare products...
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