驚異のレタリング アート 2019 !【77】 フリーハンド...
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Creating a mail art envelope using supplies from Altenew FULL SUPPLY LIST with links BELOW ENTER MY MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS SHARE YOUR CARDS with MAIL CALL V I D E O I N F O Speaking of today s project I created a mail art envelope using the Fabulous Florets stamps and two watercolor pan sets from Altenew S U P P L I E S Below are links to the items shown in the video Compensated affiliate links used when possible Items marked with an asterisk were provided by a store or the manufacturer All other items were personally purchased Items below are shown in the order they appear in the video with most visible products shown first Altenew Fabulous Florets stamp set Altenew Metallic Watercolor Set Altenew Artist Watercolor 24 Pan Set We R Memory Keepers 1 2 3 Punch Board Canson Foundational Watercolor Paper 15x20 Hero Arts Memory MISTI 2 Inch Wide Post It Tape Tim Holtz Distress Mini Ink Pad in Antique Linen 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape Hardboard 9x12 Silver Black Velvet Round 6 brush American Journey Interlocked Synthetic Brush Round 0 Precision Heat Embossing Gun Pilot Envelope Addressing Pen Extra Fine Vintage Postage Stamps X Press It Tape Tim Holtz Distress Micro Glaze Ranger Mini Round Ink Blending Tool Altenew 24x18 Cutting Mat L I N K S M A I L I love receiving mail and hearing from you Please do not send gifts or products But I do love letters and seeing your handmade cards MAILING ADDRESS Kristina Werner770 E Main St 143Lehi UT 84043UNITED STATES D I S C L A I M E R Some product is provided by manufacturers for review and use Compensated affiliate links used where possible
SUBSCRIBE NOW ✈☺✈☺✈ https://goo.gl/GLnJ75 ✈☺✈☺✈
Its the worst foundation i've ever tried!
Fluffy and Moist Kabocha & Chocolate Butter Cake 秋だもん。南瓜とチョコのパウンドケーキ luxurious cake that you can bake by just mixing the ingredi...
明けましておめでとうございます^^ 今年も1年、ひのきたちのかわいい動画をアップしていきますので、よろしくお願い致します。
Christmas season is here! This year I'll upload a series to get in the holiday atmosphere. Smoothie & Milkshake unwrapping their f...
Super Satisfying Japanese Calligraphy Compilation x Shun Kei LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!!
#コアラマットレス #コアラベッドフレーム #KoalaMattress 提供:Koala Sleep Japan KK
先日の初顔合わせから、毎日コタローとハナをケージ越しで会わせるようにしています。初めて見る赤ちゃんカワウソにまだビビり気味のコタローボーイですが、ハナに興味がありすぎて落ち着きなくフガフガ。 でも、だんだん慣れてきて距離も近づき、 手と手が触れ合う瞬間が。。
This pancake is so fluffy and melts on your tongue. By adjusting the amount of cake flour and the condition of meringue, you can h...
This video is designed for persons 13 years old and over. Mature themes may be present.
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