Tekitou French Toast & Smoothi...
I don’t know how to translate “tekitou” simply into English, but it’s like making a meal with whatever ingredients you have availa...
Have fabric scraps Here s the way to use them up 如何运用碎布 HandyMum 07 Dear beloved audience as my native language is chinese there might be some inaccurate with the subtitles Your understanding is much appreciate Thank you Thank you so much for watching mummy Lin DIY SEWING IDEA channel If you enjoyed this video Please leave a like Share this video SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videos And clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videos 手作diy HandyMum Lin TV all tutorialHandmade bag tutorial 手作包创意教学Art Craft diy tutorial 手工创意教学Diy handmade soap 创意手工皂分享 New year handmade 新年手工 Quiet book for kids 布书创意教学 Mother s day gift ideas 母亲节礼物制作Valentine s gift ideas 情人节手工 订阅HandyMum 频道每週看新片 除了订阅 还要按铃铛 才不会漏掉 妈妈的手作喔 联系HandyMum lin2koo gmail com Christmasgift Fabricscrapsidea HandyMum UsefulLifeHacks
I don’t know how to translate “tekitou” simply into English, but it’s like making a meal with whatever ingredients you have availa...
春だから春っぽいものを作りたいと思いつつ、春のカラーは苦手なので、形だけ桜にして、スチームパンクにしました^^ 男前デザインのほうが私らしくて気に入りました★
☆ in this video I show you 5 different ways to make pinback buttons~ perfect to make for yourself or gift to your friends ☆
#猫 #ぽてと #cat カゴ入り娘だったぽてちゃんがついに箱入り娘に! 小さなダンボール箱に入ってくつろぐ猫の動画です。 撮影日:2018年11月4日
If you need some background on the “Secret Santa” tradition and rules: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Santa
材料表: 麵糊: 牛奶250g 低筋麵粉80g 砂糖30g 無鹽奶油15g 鹽1g 雞蛋2顆(約110g)
MAY 10, 2020: We were wrong! Grace wasn't the last Peanut out there! Our awesome Peanuts colony caretaker discovered three 3-day...
今回は、私が前々からコレクションしている鍵のパーツを使って何か素敵な作品が作れないかと、考えて簡単に楽しく作ってみました(*^^*) 不思議な世界観漂う、不思議な扉の、不思議な鍵、、、宜しければゆっくりご覧くださいませm(_ _)m
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