Combining die cuts with the Ma...
Check out to see our products, more ideas and inspiration! In this video, Lawn Fawn Design Team member Chari s...
We hear that tofu is gaining unprecedented popularity in the US so we made a white cake that looks like tofu and is made with tofu and soy milk making it healthy It s tastes delicious and is surprisingly chewy and rich You can even wrap it up like a slice of tofu and give it to someone as a present Recipe for a 17cm pound cake 1 Add 150gm of firm tofu 75gm of sugar it s on the sweeter side 15gm of salad oil and 80gm of soy milk into a mixer and blend until it s smooth If you don t have a mixer you can mix it by hand and strain it 2 Add 35gm of skimmed milk and 20gm of soft wheat flour to 1 3 Mix together4 Place a baking sheet onto the baking tray and pour 3 into it 5 Place the mix into the oven preheated at 160 degrees Bake for about 30 minutes while keeping an eye on it 6 Let it cool in the baking tray and put it into the refrigerator once it has cooled down 7 Slice it 8 Enjoy It looks more like a piece of fried tofu We should have made it a little thicker アメリカでは空前絶後の豆腐ブーム という噂を聞いてお豆腐みたいに白いケーキ作りました お豆腐 そして豆乳も入ってヘルシー 普通に美味しい なのに もっちり 濃厚な味に焼きあがりました お豆腐みたいにラッピングしてプレゼントにもどうぞ 障子の穴をふさぐシールだって使えるのだ レシピ 17センチのパウンド型 1 ミキサーに木綿豆腐 150g 砂糖 75g ちょっと甘めです サラダ油 15g 豆乳 80gを入れ なめらかになるまでかき混ぜる ミキサーがない場合は 混ぜてから裏ごしする 2 1にスキムミルク 35gと薄力粉 20gをふるい入れる 3 混ぜる 4 オーブンシートを敷いた型に3を流し入れる 5 160度に予熱したオーブンで様子を見ながら30分程焼く 6 型に入れたまま冷まし 粗熱が取れたら冷蔵庫で冷やす 7 切り分ける 8 いただく お豆腐というより厚揚げチックな感じになっちゃいました もうちょっと厚めに焼きあげたかったな
Check out to see our products, more ideas and inspiration! In this video, Lawn Fawn Design Team member Chari s...
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A vending machine that dispense frozen salmon fillet
출처(Credit): 반려동물 가족분들의 영상 제보 및 문의사항은 카카오톡 플러스친구 FeelSoGood 검색 후 친구 추가하기!!(http://pf.kaka...
HI SISTERS! Bob Ross was an iconic painter who changed the art industry by bringing tutorials to television. My love for makeup ca...
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介紹非常懷念的點心 小時候常有吃的 One of my favorites 配綠茶就無法停止~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
What's the difference between a UV lamp and LED lamp? None! Trick question! They're both UV! In this video we take a deep dive...
Models on Vacation | Saint Tropez, Bikinis, Summer, & Food | Jessica Clements
Corresponding blog post coming shortly! My fairy wing earrings are from Etsy!
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