Hematite Heaven Ring Redux

by Bronzepony Beaded Jewelry

Hematite Heaven Ring Redux


note start with about 6 feet of thread Hematite Heaven Ring ReduxJoin me on Facebook In Spirer Beaders Facebook GroupMy 14x22 inch bead mat Coupon Code BRONZEPONY10 for 10 offNo More Oops Bead Tray If you mention Bronzepony I get a buck a tray No pressure Etsy shop LakesideJewelry etsy comHow to add thread video Materials 11 0 Delicas band a gram maybe 30 11 0 Delicas Transition Color 15 3mm Rondelles Round Beads Gemstone Beads30 8 0 Seed Beads30 11 0 Seed BeadsColors and links to beads Links to beads and bead websites Some links are Affiliate Links This means I make a small commission if you use my link to purchase This helps me continue to create quality content for free on my channel You can use them or not so no pressure Nor do you have to purchase if you use my link to look at the products I will put an to denote these links Thank you in advance I have provided the number of each bead that I have a number for Scroll down to see colors Go to the Potomac Website or Eureka Crystals General Website Links below Type in the number in the search bar and the bead will come up Type in the name for the 3mm I have also linked the bead type page for your convenience if you prefer to look around Potomac Beads General Website Eureka Crystal beads General WebsiteBlue Ring11 0 Delica DB2318 Opaque Rainbow Glazed Soft Blue11 0 Aiko TA 01 992 Silver Lined Blue11 0 Miyuki Seed 11 2091 Mat Met Silver8 0 Toho Cornflower Blue3x2mm Rondelles Cobalt AB or Metallic Blue Iris Hematite Ring11 0 Delica DB0021 Nickel Plated or Galvanized Silver11 0 Delica Silver Lined Grey DB004811 0 Miyuki Seed Matte Met Silver 20918 0 Miyuki Matte Grey Frosted 0152 F3mm Hematite Gemstone Beads or Faceted Jet RondelleTurquoise Silver11 0 Delica DB0021 Nickel Plated or Galvanized Silver11 0 Delica DB0010 Opaque Black8 0 Miyuki Seed Turquoise Green Picasso or Eucalyptus 3mm Jet Rondelle or Pyrite Opal Blue11 0 Delica DB2313 Op Matte Glazed Rainbow Celadon11 0 Toho Aiko TA 01 992 Gold Lined Lt Montana Blue11 0 Miyuki Matte Met Silver 20918 0 Miyuki Transparent Olivine Picasso 45063x2mm Rondelle Blue Opal




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