HERO Beauty Products of 2018 | Mariah Leonard

by Mariah Leonard

HERO Beauty Products of 2018 | Mariah Leonard


The first video in a series of three surrounding the makeup we used this year The Hero Products of 2018 For me anyway A hero product is a term used in cosmetics marketing journalism to describe the ultimate product It usually refers to a product that best reflects your brand stands uniquely above the rest or a product that s cult status Some of these were personal favorites while others I used tested and was blown away by Feel free to leave your own hero products of the year in the comments below HERO PRODUCTS OF 2018 NARS Atomic Blonde PaletteDesi x Katy x Dose of Colors Friendcation PaletteUrban Decay Born to Run PaletteKarity Matte PaletteNatasha Denona Crystal TopcoatsStila Glitter Glow Liquid ShadowsHourglass Caution MascaraNARS Fort de France HighlighterNabla Beige Mirage Highlighting StickFenty Liquid LipsticksFenty Gloss BombBECCA Glow GlossesFlesh Fleshy Lips LipsticksFlesh Tender Flesh BlushBECCA BronzersL Oreal Infallible Shaping SticksNARS Natural Radiant Longwear FoundationOUAI Hair Oil DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored This video does NOT contain a paid product placement or ad All opinions good or bad are SOLELY my own PR samples free makeup will NEVER sway my own opinion of a brand or product I DO implement commissioned links in the above product listing Lastly please remember that what I state about how a products performs looks and wears or the way I describe something is OPINION and not fact Always do your own research BUSINESS INQUIRIES mariahleonardbusiness gmail comINSTAGRAM TWITTER



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