The festive season is suddenly upon us and a range of gift sets and holiday collections have landed in stores Rounding up new makeup kits and combos from some of my favourite brands Fun to browse or maybe they ll spark some gift ideas What do you have your eye on Skincare up next OLIO E OSSO CYBER MONDAY offer valid on US orders December 2nd 12 01am US EST 11 59pm PST Subscribe for new videos every week Much more beauty and travel content to come Matilda xGIFT SETSMULTITASKERSEYESHADOWSBY TERRYGLOSSIERMENTIONEDWHAT I M WEARINGTECHVanguard Alta Pro 2 TripodApogee MiC 96kDISCLAIMERThis video is not sponsored The Nars Mecca Cosmetica RMS BY TERRY and Dior products were kindly gifted with no obligation to feature them in a video The Olio e Osso code MATILDA20 is an affiliate code I have been a previous paid partner of BY TERRY and Olio e Osso Links marked with are affiliate links which means I receive a small percentage of commission on items purchased through the link at no extra cost to you Commission plays no part in my decision to feature a product and gifted items will always be disclosed This channel is simply a place where I share my travels and products I enjoy using
2019년이 되고 요리채널에는 처음 올리는 영상이네요. 꿀키하우스채널과 인스타그램에서 몇 번 얘기를 했었는데.. 그 동안 손목이 너무 안 좋아서 영상을 촬영을 할 수 없었어요.
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4 Types of Easy & Unique Cake Frosting | Coconut,Flour,Ghee,powder४ तरीके का केक सजाने की क्रीम बनाए buttercream icing,chocolate f...
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初心者さん向けのエアーや基礎の使い方はコチラの動画で https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4lacdQ8pHs
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