by Alex Gaboury



Todays hair tutorial is 3 Easy Holiday Hairstyles These hairdos are sleek and chic and perfect for any Christmas holiday parties or events you might be attending The first hairstyle is a simple yet beautiful down look and to dress it up I included a cute hair accessory The second is a rope braided ponytail that is as beautiful as it is simple you are sure to stand out at any party Finally we have a sleek low bun that is surprisingly easy and the perfect last minute hairstyle Comment down below which hairstyle is your favourite 1 2 or 3 PRODUCTS IN THE VIDEOJEWELRY TOP H M Sold out online Disclaimer This video is not sponsored Some of the above links are affiliate links MORE VIDEOSSWEATER WEATHER HAIRSTYLESWINTER HAUL TRY ON3 EASY 3 MINUTE HAIRSTYLESCURRENT MONTHLY FAVOURITES 2019BRAIDED PONYTAIL HAIRSTYLES DISCOUNTSReceive up to 20 off Ana Luisa JewelryReceive 10 off your Luxy Hair order with code LX ALEXG Receive 20 off your first Function of Beauty order with code ALEXG Receive 10 off your first Glossier orderReceive 15 off your Voir Haircare order HolidayHairstyles EasyHairstyles




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