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덕분에 제 잠옷 바지는.. O자 다리 마냥..
I hope you guys enjoy part one of my plant tour These are all of my plants that live at my home My other half live at my office There will be a part two so stay tuned If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up I would love for you to subscribe Let me know what your favorite plant was down below If you would like to see more of my plant babies go checkout my instagramwww instagram com plantdustwomanIf you would like to follow my photography instagram it is www instagram com stellarmoonphotoHere is the link for the face planter XOXOTay
덕분에 제 잠옷 바지는.. O자 다리 마냥..
This starry snowscape is a perfect intro to painting a watercolor landscape! Join me as I walk you through it from start to splatt...
8月14日より、CHICCAから2019年秋の新作コスメが発売します💖 キッカの秋コレクションは華やかなのにクール・力強いのにセクシー✨ さまざまな「ローズ」の魅力を感じるラインナップになっています💄💕 新作のアイシャドウやリップ、新作のマスカラなど注目のアイ...
Hi everyone! Watch me make this liquid shaker phone case using a gum ball machine shaker resin mold! Do you prefer liquid shaker o...
【Materials】 · Meal dish for resin · crayon · UV-LED resin HARD · Glitter Powder Star fragments Pearl · Toning palette · Toning sti...
This fragrance is described a refreshing mix of spearmint, peppermint, cornmint, and a touch of black tea.
코바늘 초보자도 쉽고 예쁘게 뜰수 있는그라데이션 미니 파우치 입니다. 천천히 자세히 알려드립니다. 예쁘게 만들어 쓰세요 :) 새로운 유튜브 배경음악이 나왔어요, 아래 작곡자 정보 입니다. 유튜브에서 Ocoro를 검색 하시면 됩니다 :...
Chocolate is probably the king of desserts: No one can say no to its creamy charm. Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence, which is ...
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