Hi everyone! Today’s video is all about the best and worst drugstore makeup products! This is such a fun tag created by @Jen Phelp...
In this video I will show you how to use different techniques to create complex landscape design on cookies The first step of icing flooding is not shown The cookie size is 5 inches My FacebookMy InstagramMy blogMy websiteYou can find some brushes mats molds on Etsy hereWHAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO Royal icing consistencyRoyal icing recipeSugar cookie recipeWhat you need to start decorating cookiesMusic by EPIDEMIC SOUNDDISCLAIMER I often review or link to products I regularly use and think you might find helpful To support the channel I use Affiliate links wherever possible which means if you click one of the links in this video description and make a purchase I may receive a very small commission Thanks for the support
Hi everyone! Today’s video is all about the best and worst drugstore makeup products! This is such a fun tag created by @Jen Phelp...
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Delicious Indian Lunch Preparation by Nikunj Vasoya. Watch best of Indian vegetarian Cooking from an Indian Village. Read Indian R...
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ダイソーの材料でオーロラカラーの鉱石レジンを作りました。簡単に研磨もしてみました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料と道具、購入店を書いています↓ [材料] ・UVレジン用立体シリコンソフトモールド(鉱石) :DAISO ・UVクラフトレジン液(ハード)2本 :DAISO...
SUPER KAWAII! I love how this turned out and I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and that it was able to help! Love you all God B...
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