Puppy Comforts Mom During Nigh...
Puppy Comforts Mom During Nightmare | This puppy knows exactly how to stop her mom's nightmares.
Chocolate SacherTorte Decadent and Rich Chocolate Cake Recipe Learn how to make this light and moist chocolate cake covered in a rich ganache glaze It s one of the most amazing chocolate cakes because of its light texture and rich glossy chocolaty glaze SUBSCRIBE to my channel here Soft Chocolate SacherTorte Light chocolate sponge in grams and cups 5 room temp Egg Whites 5 room temp Egg Yolks 1 tsp Vanilla 110 gr Butter 1 stick 150 gr Good Quality Dark Chocolate 70 cocoa 5 5 ounces 50 gr room temp milk 3 1 2 tbsp Add it with the flour and baking powder 100 gr Sugar 1 2 cup 75 gr All Purpose Flour 1 2 cup 1 2 tsp Baking Powder Pinch of Salt Smooth Apricot Jam for the filling You can also use strawberry raspberry jam if you prefer Alternatively if you don t want to use jams u can use some of the chocolate glaze for the filling as well DO NOT refrigerate this cake Once covered in the chocolate glaze store the cake at room temp Wait 30 minutes for the glaze to set before serving Simple Syrup 100 gr Water 1 2 cup 100 gr Sugar 1 2 cup 1 tsp Vanilla ExtractTo a sauce pan over low heat add water and sugar Once the sugar has dissolved bring the water and sugar to a gentle boil for 1 min Turn off stove and stir in vanilla Allow to cool before using Soak both sponges with 3 tbsp of this cooled mixture Store the leftover syrup in the fridge for up to two months Rich Chocolate Glaze cover the cake entirely in this glaze 200 gr good quality Dark Chocolate 50 Cocoa 7 ounces 200 gr Heavy Cream 7 ounces 3 tbsp Glucose Syrup 3 tbsp Butter Pinch of SaltEnjoy
Puppy Comforts Mom During Nightmare | This puppy knows exactly how to stop her mom's nightmares.
Testing out new watercolors, plus trying new swatching stamps and dies from Waffle Flower.
Bentley was abandoned and brought to the Pennsylvania SPCA. The shelter’s staff came to love him, but no one would adopt him. 1,07...
Are you stressed out? Do you need a good laugh? No problem, here are the funniest cats and dogs that will make you forget all your...
Spring is here and so is Colourpop's new Spring Collection! I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to Subscribe to my channel for ...
外出せずうちで過ごすプロのシマリス達です。 こんなご時世なんでね、少しでも嫌なことを忘れて頂けたら嬉しいです。 --------------- ★新チャンネルできました! ☆スタジオまめた http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3o...
Just look how all these cats and kittens behave, play, fail, make funny sounds, react to different things,... So ridiculous, funny...
Hey skincare AND makeup junkies! I hope you are all well and safe wherever you are in the world! It has been a while since I've po...
Baby Cats - Funny and Cute Baby Cat Videos Compilation (2018) Gatitos Bebes Video Recopilación | Animal Planet Videos 🦄 Subscribe ...
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