석계역 │ 쉑존버거 │ Shack-john Burger...
Seokgye Station, Seoul, Korea Shack-john Burger │ 5,000 KRW
Suzie demonstrates 2 techniques to Correct a Strong Curved Nail in this detailed tutorial Suzie s Professional Quality Acrylic Brush and File Kit is available to everyone both DIY s and Pro s Also check out her Signature Series Nuke It Apron Thank you for supporting Suzie by purchasing her Signature Series Acrylic Brush and File Kit Suzie was not paid to promote other products used in this video and does not receive a commission from sales __________Suzie has a Free Online Digital Magazine with articles related to all things nails including stories and tutorials by talented nail artists Check it out __________Looking for a video Suzie has done Check out her Instant Search Video Catalog that makes it easy to find specific videos Follow Suzie on Instagram Suzie invites you to share your own nail design photos with her on Instagram with the hashtag nailcareereducation You can also follow Suzie __Thanks to the talented composers musicians and producers who created the music used in this video 03 10 Good VIbes by Chantry All music of the composers Music Licensed through
Seokgye Station, Seoul, Korea Shack-john Burger │ 5,000 KRW
Thank you Dolby for Sponsoring this video! Click here to learn more about the Dolby Dimension Headphones http://bit.ly/2AmWwRE #Bi...
カット面にフィルムをINして、キラキラ感を アップさせました。
Showing 3 ways to use the brilliant Lawn Fawn Magic Iris Dies creatively. ** SUPPLIES ARE LINKED TO STORES BELOW ** For more info:...
МатериалыдлясозданияцветовизфоамиранадляжителейУкраиныздесь:http://vorona.od.uaвведитеслово“промокод - АллаШворак”иполучитедополни...
I am back! I am so sorry for missing the last few video posts but I am back at work making videos and excited for today's post! ...
이즈가 요즘 눈치가 빨라졌어요
ダイソーで売ってた花びらのパーツ。一目ぼれして、即購入! これで、春作品つくるんだーーーとわくわくしていたのですが、さっぱりアイデアが思い浮かばず、全然手付かずだったので、今回は、何としてもこのパーツを使う事をテーマにして、作品つくってみました。あと、宝石の雫...
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