DIY shoes hacks how To Make Yo...
DIY shoes hacks how To Make Your shoes New Again & DIY hand bag
To purchase the beautiful metallic flakes To purchase the dichroic glass I used in the bracelets they are designed by Janet Sholder Ebay com MontanaArtGlassStudio Instagram Montana art glassNot all of my pieces are available for purchase but are shared for visual inspiration My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for sale or reproduction in videos or on the internet you need my express written permission If you post on facebook my designs or any other artist please give them credit so other people can learn and be inspired check out my facebook page www facebook com turtlesoupbeadswhere I get my polymer clay my etsy store which I can only open a few weeks a year because videos take so much of my time www etsy com shop turtlesoupbeads
DIY shoes hacks how To Make Your shoes New Again & DIY hand bag
家猫修行がまだまだ始まったばかりの子猫 とりあえずガゼルちゃんと呼ぶことにした、猫なのにガゼル。 日に日に表情がやわらいでいるような気がしますがまだこれからですね。
Music Creative Commons — Credit to Music by "Music: " Music ...
Выполняю коррекцию длинных натуральных ногтей гель лаком. Показываю макро маникюр, комбинированая техника (фреза + ножнички). Рису...
今季1番のおススメ!ホワイトチョコブラウニー | White chocolate brownies
No-bake Fudgy Brownies (Vegan)
クリアカラーを使用して虹色の人形の鱗に挑戦しました♪夏に向けてジューシーでトロピカルな雰囲気に仕上がりました。 基本のやり方にプラスして、実際に使用しているのは6色ですが、色の重なり合う感じでレインボーカラーに見えますよ♪
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