Cookie Pot (Cheese Cake)鍋ごと食...
Cookie Pot (Cheese Cake)まるごと食べちゃおう!ストウブみたいなチーズケーキ
this piece is made almost entirely with circles and dots i also used the salt technique to add texture please scroll down for the LIST OF SUPPLIES watercolor doodles tutorialL I S T O F S U P P L I E S 140 lbs cold press cotton watercolor paper Bee Paper 1 2 artist pro tape coarse salt watercolor paints warm grey Sennelier jaune brilliant NO 1 Holbein transparent red oxide Daniel Smith blue apatite genuine Daniel Smith ultramarine blue Sennelier prussian blue Sennelier sepia Renesans gold ochre light Kremer Pigments pale gold No 502008 Kremer Pigments 3 4 flat watercolor brush Princeton Neptune No 8 round watercolor brush Princeton Neptune 3 0 round brush Princeton Snap black Microperm pen size 05 Sakura black Signo DX pen size 0 38 Uni ball black pocket brush pen Pentel white Signo pen No UM 153 Uni ball F O L L O W C R É A T I O N S C E E C E E business inquiries catherine creationsceecee comP O B O XCréations CeeCee 54 Cité des Jeunes Suite 102B 347 Vaudreuil Dorion QC J7V 9L5CanadaF I L M I N G S E T U Pi have an overhead set up with the video camera mounted on a long reach tripod what was part of a soft box lighting systemvideo camera Panasonic HC V7701350W photography studio soft box lighting kit Mountdog A F F I L I A T E L I N K SLinks in this description and supplies list may be affiliates which means you won t pay extra but we will get a a small commission thank you for supporting this channel M U S I C I N T H I S V I D E O
Cookie Pot (Cheese Cake)まるごと食べちゃおう!ストウブみたいなチーズケーキ
I bamboozle my pet raccoon Tito by doing the What the fluff challenge, Playing ded, and playing the shell game. Watch how Tito re...
햄스터 전용 펍 영상에서 모두 보여드리지 못한 부분을 좀 더 자세하게 올려보았습니다. 편집을 열심히 했는데도 영상 길이가 15분이 넘어갔네요. 메이킹 필름의 작업소리를 들려드리기위해 아무런 비지엠을 깔지 않았습니다. 아마 최고의 자장...
みなさんはじめまして!7月までアイドルグループで活動していました♩今はタレントとして活躍している渡辺亜紗美です😊栃木出身♪メイク好きでyoutubeも良く見ています😉✨ 参考になると嬉しいです❤️
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) So it looks like Urban Decay won when I did a poll on twitter so here ya go! I am testing out the new UD ...
最近よくやっているメイクとヘアーを すっぴんから仕上げてみました!
Sewing + EASY DIY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS / Room Decor DIY For The Holidays ☃
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