How to Draw and Paint a Prickly Pear Cactus Flower in Watercolor

by Mr. Otter Art Studio

How to Draw and Paint a Prickly Pear Cactus Flower in Watercolor


In this tutorial you will learn how to draw and paint a Prickly Pear Cactus and flower in watercolor All you need are basic watercolor supplies and optional yellow and white gouache You will learn how to blend colors layer watercolor and gouache make the background out of focus and how to use large puddles of paint in your paintings This tutorial is great for a patient beginner I love the contrast in colors of these cacti I included a link to the photo I use in this tutorial as well as other cactus photos I have taken below I would love to see your finished work Post it to instagram using mrotterstudio Enjoy Link to the photos Homework practice what you have learned Paint another plant with an out of focus backgroundSuppliesWatercolors Prang Watercolor Paintbrushes round 10 and 14 Watercolor Paper Mr Otter Studio s Gouache titanium white and yellow Water in a containerPaper towelScratch piece of paperPainters TapeMusic Any Thing You Can Dream by The Whole Other




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