Eating Japanese food Mushigaki...
Mushigaki=Steamed Oysters :^) I got it at a supermarket :^) 537 yen (tax included) about $4.6 us :^) yummy :^)
Hi guys I m back with another flower tutorial This time it s the lotus flower as suggested by Jai Ganesh I painted this more loosely this time so hopefully it s still understandable I actually enjoyed painting the leaves and their un textures so I hope you will enjoy it too Happy painting Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianiani I ve set the community contributions on for this video for you guys who are willing to add on subtitles Thank you so much for your constant help and support _ TOOLSBrush Size 8 LyraPaint Holbein DSPaper Canson Montval 200gsmMUSIC Whispering Stream by E s Jammy Jams from YouTube Audio Library
Mushigaki=Steamed Oysters :^) I got it at a supermarket :^) 537 yen (tax included) about $4.6 us :^) yummy :^)
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