Beadaholique Live Class: How to Create a Boutique Look with Artisan Brands

by Beadaholique

Beadaholique Live Class: How to Create a Boutique Look with Artisan Brands


Designer Design TeamYou can find the supplies in this video at Beadaholique com TierraCast Pewter Charm Round Tree with Bird 17x12mm 1 Piece Antiqued Copper PlatedSKU PND 8233Vintaj Patina Opaque Permanent Ink Purple Opalite 0 5 Ounce BottleSKU XTL 9069Vintaj Natural Brass Stamping Pendant Native Arrowhead 19 x 10mm 2 SKU PND 7539EuroWood Natural Wood Beads Round 6mm Diameter 200 Pieces Light BrownSKU BWD 1026Zola Elements Charm Dunes Inverted Drop 13x30mm 2 Pieces Antiqued Gold ToneSKU PZE 158Nunn Design Open Back Bezel Charm Circle Fits SS39 Xirius Stone 1 Piece Antiqued GoldSKU PND 904Genuine Leather Cord Round 1 5mm By the Yard OrangeSKU CHY 1509Czech Glass Bohemian Aged 5 0 Round Seed Beads 10 Grams Etched Violet and AmberSKU BCS 9030Bright Gold Color Bracelet Memory Wire 12 LoopsSKU WXM 030Opelon Stretch Bead Cord 0 7mm 5 Meters 1 Spool WhiteSKU XCR 2228Xuron Memory Wire Cutters Cutting Pliers Strong EasySKU XTL 5610Xuron 4 In 1 Crimping Pliers Works On 1 2 And 3mm Crimps SKU XTL 5608



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