How to Draw Leaves and Botanicals | Relaxing, Journaling, Beginner

by Shayda Campbell

How to Draw Leaves and Botanicals | Relaxing, Journaling, Beginner


Leaves and botanicals are the perfect subject matter for sketching creative journaling and for doodling as a way to relax and unwind Follow along with me to get inspired relaxed and to pick up that pencil without fear SUPPLIES ADDITIONAL TUTORIALS MY MOST USED ART SUPPLIES These are the products that I d want with me on a deserted island cuz I d obviously have lots of time for watercolor and hand lettering Pens Paints Papers Sketchbooks CONNECT W ME THEME MUSIC Music by Tobu Disclaimer Shayda Campbell is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for individuals to earn fees by linking to Amazon com and affiliated sites The cost to you for these products is the same but Shayda earns a small commission and that keeps the channel alive Win win



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