TUTORIAL | Tribute Star Block

by Amanda Rolfe

TUTORIAL | Tribute Star Block


Vlogmas Day Fifteen is a block tutorial YAY I know how much you ve all been hanging out for this one and now I finally deliver it to you Happy Christmas _ The Tribute Star Block is a dear favourite of mine and I love making both versions of it DS Quilts Mega Block and my Mini Block version I hope you ll fall in love making this block as much as I have MEASUREMENT CUTTING INFO From both a background main print fabric cut x14 4 squares x4 3 5 squaresFINAL BLOCK SIZE 18 5 x18 5 TOOLS NOTIONS Brother Innovis 200QE sewing machine Brother 1 4 sewing foot Gutermann polyester thread OLFA Cutting Mat Fiskars Rotary Blade 28mm thread snips Sew Easy Rulers 4 5 set square Birch Non Melt Flower Head Quilting PinsMUSIC CREDIT SNAIL MAIL Amanda RolfePO Box 1179St Marys NSW 1790AustraliaYou can also find me here EMAIL 3and3quarters gmail comThanks for watching xx




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