미니 초코 더블 프로마쥬 치즈케이크/ LeTAO/ Mi...
안녕하세요. 분 베이크입니다.
I am so thrilled to share this EASY everyday updo that I think is just perfect as a summer hairstyle This updo is perfect as a medium or long hair hairstyle and will only take a few minutes to achieve What I love most about this updo is that it was inspired by all of you I love hearing about all the proms weddings formals and work events that you wear these hairstyles to so I had to create one that was a little more versatile and practical for everyday use I am also going to show you how I prepped my hair to achieve this textured look with some incredible products from an inspiring brand that created something not only effective but beautiful Make sure to comment below and let me know where you will wear this updo FOLLOW MEFor business inquiries email me at agabourybiz gmail com VOIR HAIRCARE LINEUP MORE HAIRSTYLESTHREE 3 MINUTE SUMMER HAIRSTYLESEASY UPDO FOR SUMMEREASY UPDO 90s INSPIRED Don t forget to tag me in your recreations on Instagram hairtutorial alexgaboury Voirhair Voirhaircare CrueltyFreeDISCLAIMER Thank you Voir Haircare for sponsoring this video
안녕하세요. 분 베이크입니다.
Atelier 17 - The Magician who sell the Fantasies. Making of the Haute Couture Collection. 2015
こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回はリクエストいただいていたクロワッサンを作って見ました。 色々なやり方がありますが、家で作るのは初めてだったのでどの方法が良いか色々考えました。 今回は生イーストを使い、一次発酵は取らずに最終発酵のみとるやり方で...
ちゅーるを食べた後のひのきの顔洗いがかわいいです^^ 鼻と髭についたちゅ~るを堪能しているように見えます♬
90度寝が気持ちよさそうなリム( ´艸`) 次は、飼い主(父ちゃん)にナデナデしてもらうぞ~💕 とっても気持ちよさそうなリムを見ていた柴犬リコ🎵 私ももっと、ナデナデして~💕 手を止めると、父ちゃんに要求しちゃう(*´艸`) 幸せそうなリコをじーーっと見つめる...
🦕 오늘도 좋아요, 구독, 알림! ❤ 감사합니다. 🙏
In this episode of Tina Tries It, I test out the new Blessed Moon 5-in-1 Makeup Kit. Is it worth buying? Watch to find out! Rememb...
Clarisonic的每一款淨膚儀我都有,認真覺得他是美容界的科技大突破!用過它之後回去直接用手洗臉都覺得洗不乾淨,現在更進階可以按摩拉提跟上妝!很多人不知道它如何用,或是擔心是否可那天以天天用,今天的影片都一併解答了喔! Join the family 訂閱...
▼カスタードクリームの詳しい作り方はこちら https://youtu.be/EjXxxhuJ4MU
【暇つぶし 】スライム! 気持ちいい!スライム動画 ❤ SLIME VIDEO #13
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