Glue Gun DIY! Bloody Choker*グル...
■ Working time: Approximately 15 minutes ■ Material cost: About $2
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■ Working time: Approximately 15 minutes ■ Material cost: About $2
Smoothie & Milkshake have their own water bowl - they even have a brand new fountain as you might have seen in one of the recent v...
▼楽天特設ページはこちら▼ 提供:楽天株式会社
Brand new weekly compilation of the funniest dog, cat, bird and other pet and animal clips, bloopers, outtakes & funniest moments ...
MAC crew benefits include healthcare, time off and wedding cakes. 😊Congratulations, James and Rochelle! Episode links and bonus vi...
Don’t forget the subtitles on!
リクエストにお応えして、髑髏と十字架のスマホケースを作ったよ。 ロココ調のゴールドの装飾…スキ♡
Cockatoos are the most hilarious birds ever. They love singing, repeating anything they hear and are incredibly smart birds! Enjoy...
イメージと作り方は去年作った動画『天使が舞い降りる聖夜』とほぼ同じです。 同じように作っても全く同じにはできないので2017年バージョンとして動画を作ってみました。。
Jamie is leaving us for a few days and heading back to Canada for a snowmobile and fishing trip! So the dogs and I will be home ...
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