propagating my own herb garden in my kitchen indoorgarden propagation herbsI shared this little plant experiment on my Instagram and decided to film the process for YouTube as well so I hope you enjoy I ve dappled a bit in plant propagation and growing hydroponic plants but this was the first time I tried it with herbs This was just an experiment and I m still really new to it all so if you have any tips please let me know xx Audrie SHOP FYI I earn a small commission from these links if you d like to support my channel HERBS BasilPeppermintRosemaryOreganoFennelCatnip MUSIC Strapt PandarapsDusty Conscience Matt LargeDrown Panadaraps FOLLOW ME BLOG VIDEO DETAILS Camera Canon EOS RLens 24mm 105mmEditing Software Adobe Premiere Pro CONTACT ME For business inquiries please e mail me at hello audriestorme com
Пирожное Молочный ломтик очень легко приготовить дома! Он получается гораздо вкуснее, чем в магазине! :) Шоколадный бисквит, нежны...
秀吉の行動を見て育つ豆大福がかわいいです^^ 元の行動をする秀吉もとっても可愛いです♬ ホリホリはいつ見ても癒されます。。。
Hissing kitten can't stop hugging his own foster kitten friends now 😻
本日もご視聴いただきありがとうございます♡ チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★
提供:マンダム ビフェスタ http://www.bifesta.jp/ 楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく!
FASHION TRENDS SPRING/SUMMER 2020 + how to wear them Runway fashion is a creative source of inspiration for Spring / Summer. In th...
💅nailist mika.がプロデュースするネイルブランド 『Letizia レティシア』のご購入は公式楽天ショップへ➡︎https://www.rakuten.co.jp/worldly/
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My red velvet donuts have just the right note of chocolate to complement the cream cheese frosting and they are SO MOIST!!! That’s...
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