しろのこたつで座椅子 190209
Dubai Food is INSANELY delicious We found some AMAZING Seafood in Dubai Today we re going for an amazing seafood experience on a boat off the coast of Abu Dhabi tasting some amazing local seafood cooked by the locals on the boat and then making our way to Dubai for a HUGE seafood feast and Seafood BBQ Dubai has some of the best food in the world If you re wondering what to eat in Dubai you can come here to eat the local seafood We re going for an amazing seafood adventure today with our friend Peyman who s bringing us around and showing us what true Emirati cuisine is The Seafood BBQ at the end was my favourite The UAE is home to a huge diversity of cuisine from Indian food to Chinese food and street food from around the world but we came here to try the seafood especially the juicy bbq Today we re starting bright and early to go on a local pearl diving boat and experience the pearl diving and local seafood Special thanks to the Serdal Pearl Diving Expedition for showing us this amazing seafood experience After this we re making our way back to downtown dubai right underneath the burj khalifa and eating at a famous seafood restaurant sammach restaurant Here there was a ton of local seafood to try and cook in a variety of different methods My favourite was the bbq It was an amazing seafood tour with Peyman and an amazing experience trying all of the traditional Emirati cuisine The United Arab Emirates has some amazing local food The Food Ranger YouTube www youtube com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger Instagram www instagram com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger FB www facebook com thefoodrangerMY GEAR AND RESOURCES BEST VPN FOR CHINA ACCESS YOUTUBE In the next video we re going for even more street food around the world Thanks so much for watching all of my street food tour videos Make sure to subscribe to this video
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【ブログで動画の説明をしています】 http://blog.livedoor.jp/balloonrabbitmoco/archives/36675325.html ブログにも遊びに来てね。
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Learn how to make desserts the quick and easy way, for more click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytu3ch6-srk&list=PLKpGBDk4...
今日の動画は妹が撮影しました。しまちゃんのお世話は主に妹がしてくれているので撮影が私(兄)でないことも増えるかと思います。 どうしても今はしまちゃんメインの動画になりがちですが、ポムさんメインの動画も今までと変わらず作るので心配しないでください^^
The Lion King makeup collection by Sir John. I just found out that this company (Luminess) is a MLM company which is a process I d...
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【激変】 ヨーロッパ メイク 動画 人気 気でメイク授 #71
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