Kawaii Japan - Cutest Teacup Puppies EVER!

by My BB Bunny

Kawaii Japan - Cutest Teacup Puppies EVER!


We all know the popularity of Rabbit cafe s in Japan and if you ve been following us more recently Hedgehogs cafes as well What about puppies you ask Well just off Takeshita street in Harajuku Tokyo is a pet store called P s First which carries some of the cutest puppies you will ever seen in a pet store There are many teacup sized dogs on displays in the store with prices for some puppies reaching 1 million yen 10 000 USD and above The puppies appear healthy clean well fed and pretty happy there and if you show genuine interest the staff will allow you to hold and play with a puppy of your choice Subscribe to my bb bunny for more bunny love Visit the Bunny Shop for the cutest bunny t shirts and more




  • by KAWAII PATEEN 1482

皆方由衣がクラシカルロリィタにあうメイクを紹介! ナチュラルで可愛いメイクですので、クラロリメイクをしている方はもちろん、ナチュラルに盛れるメイクを探している方にもおすすめです! お洋服はInnocent Worldさんにお借りしました。 #皆方由衣 #みなゆ...