How To Make A Diamond Notebook And Glitter School Supplies – DIY Holographic Back-To-School

by IdunnGoddess

How To Make A Diamond Notebook And Glitter School Supplies – DIY Holographic Back-To-School


Five DIYs for school DIY Diamond Notebook DIY Glitter Pen DIY Glitter Pencil Glitter Ruler and Glitter Eraser This DIY Back to School tutorial is super easy and super shimmery DIY Back To School project number one DIY Diamond Notebook For this project you will need a notebook white paper glue stick and holographic paper or use glitter paper instead I used a piece of holographic paper bag So maybe you will find something shiny in your old stuffs in case you don t have a holographic paper For DIY Glitter Pen or better to say holographic unicorn skin pen you will need a ballpoint pen glitter sequins and old glitter glue tube Note After washing it with water let it dry before filling with glitter And the third fourth and fifth DIYs are Glitter Pencil Glitter Eraser cover and Glitter Ruler You will need double sided tape for these projects glitter clear nail polish Silver ribbon for the pencil glitter paper for eraser Love Create Discover Idunn



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