How To Make A Spring Garden Design In Chickenwire Base lockdown staysafe
How To Make A Spring Garden Design In Chickenwire BaseIngredients white liliac aquilegia sweet William peony stem sycamore greenery periwinkle stemLockdown As Janos and I are in different countries then it hasn t been possible to create videos so this video is John on camera and flowers Janos will still edit them thankfully but excuse the sound quality focus and all those technical aspects he covers In the video we look at making a design using chicken wire as the base and this is set into a damaged crockpot container We have use just what we could get from the garden iris aquilegia liliac sweet Williams and one peony stem with some foliage as well We have created a full and floral design and as a highlight and to add volume we added some dried grasses and palm giving a modern but retro design If you prefer you could leave them out but they add another element So forgive the cameramanship but enjoy the flowers Stay safe Flower Joos Buy your Oasis Products including wires foams scissors etc here Description contains affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission if you click on the links and make a purchase There s a lot more to come E mail flowerjoos gmail com flowerjoos springgardendesign springarrangement
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