Designer Sara OehlerYou can find the supplies in this video at Beadaholique com Soft Flex Metallics 49 Strand Medium Beading Wire 019 Inch Thick 30 Feet Copper ColorSKU XCR 5093Sterling Silver Crimp Beads Large 3X3mm 10 SKU FCR 01133Large Oval Lobster Clasp with 2 Jump Rings 20x15mm 1 Set Copper PlatedSKU FCL 1664BeadSmith Double Density Kumihimo Disk For Japanese Braiding and Cording 6 Inches WhiteSKU XTL 6126BeadSmith Double Density Kumihimo Disk For Japanese Braiding and Cording 4 25 Inches WhiteSKU XTL 6127Beadsmith No Tangle Flexible Plastic Thread Bobbins For Kumihimo Or Macrame 1 7 8 Inch 8 Pack SKU XTL 6103Bead Stopper Stop Beads Sliding Off Stringing MaterialSKU XTL 3000Mighty Crimping Pliers Large Crimpers For 3mm CrimpsSKU XTL 5265Lindstrom EX Series Flush Cutter Pliers 5 Inches LongSKU XTL 5520
#itsmynail #innamaksimova ❤ МОЙ instagram https://www.instagram.com/itsmynail/
자몽 안에 크림과 과육을 넣어 자몽 케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡...
#アイシャドウ #クリスマスコフレ #ジルスチュアート
COMOS Food Park - The BIGGEST Food Park in Pampanga with 70+ food stalls to choose from.
실패했습니다. 되는게 하나도 없군요. 화가난다.....
Welcome back to an entire week of vegan food. I filmed what I ate and what I did (kind of) for 7 days straight. We’ve got pizza, p...
DIY WATER DROP PURSE BAG | How To Make a Cute Pouch Tutorial & Sewing Pattern [sewingtimes] I've shared a pattern to make a bag.
飼育しているグリーンイグアナ(ブルー)飼育の為に巨大ケージを用意して色々と改造しました。 当のイグアナは反抗期真っ盛りで暴れまくり・・なかなかまともに撮影出来ません。 それでも可愛いイグアナの為に整えた飼育設備を御覧ください。
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