平和主義の柴犬は子猫と猫のじゃれ合いを見守るのが大好き♥ S...
甘えん坊タイムのキジトラ猫リリ♥その後ろには子猫リタ♪ リタはリリの尻尾が大好き♪ コロコロ転がりながらじゃれる姿はとても愛らしく飼い主も癒されています(#^^#) その姿を幸せそうに見守る柴犬リキ♥ リキ「ボクは皆が仲良く楽しそうに過ごしているのを見ているの...
Hi sweet peeps Easter is just around the corner and for a while now I have this idea of making birds nest cookies and incorporate the chocolate speckled eggs we love with the cookies the idea have been swirling around my mind for a while and its soo awesome that they came out beautifully as cookies So here we are I m sharing my process on how I created these beautiful floral birds nest in this tutorial I hope you love them as much as I do the chocolate speckled eggs just made this into a special Easter treat for the little ones As usual if like this video please leave a thumbs up and I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to my channel as it is through your support that I will able to make more videos THANK YOU SO MUCH Subscribe Likes Share Enjoy Turn on the Notification bell to stay updated Channel Membership support the creator you love on a monthly basis This is now available for my channel thank you so much in advance for your love support If you love my tutorials and want to show your support as well as wanting to see more from me please consider buying me a cup of coffee It will go a loooongggg way in getting me thru the a long series of decorating sessions and all the late nights video editing sessions Thank you so much in advance and it will truly means a lot to me All my cookies decorated with Royal icing so if you are NEW to cookie decorating these video tutorials will help you in your cookie decorating journey Here are some information on the cookie tools that I used in this video Fluted Scallop Circle cutter Mini Daisy Flower 1 5 inch Flower Blossom fondant plunger cutter set Fondant non stick rolling pin with guides Scribe tool from Scribes by Vivid SisterFoodoodler Fine tip edible pens Grass Piping Tip 233 to make the twigs for the nest Leaf tip PME ST51 Tipless piping bag PME tip 1 5 Or you can get a writing set which comes in handy like this one PME Writing Tip Set of 3 Tip 1 1 5 2 Pink Edible Lustre Dust in TWINKLE PINK for the daisy petals Brush set to apply the lustre dust White non slip matt to put on top of the cookie swivel to prevent cookies from sliding around Cookie Swivel Turntable from LC Sweets OR Follow me on Instagram Facebook Visit my website for ideas inspiration recipes and tutorials Note Some of the links above are affiliate links which means that if you click on the link and purchase the item I will receive a very small commission from the sale at no additional cost to you This support helps me continue to be able to make video tutorials I hope you will find this useful and rest assured that I only provide the links to products that I use personally and feel comfortable recommending Music Credit Wildlife by Declan DP MusicThe Forest by Declan DP MusicAttribution 3 0 Unported CookieliciousNZ EasterCookies BirdsNest
甘えん坊タイムのキジトラ猫リリ♥その後ろには子猫リタ♪ リタはリリの尻尾が大好き♪ コロコロ転がりながらじゃれる姿はとても愛らしく飼い主も癒されています(#^^#) その姿を幸せそうに見守る柴犬リキ♥ リキ「ボクは皆が仲良く楽しそうに過ごしているのを見ているの...
Here's my bullet journal setup for the month of august :) So excited to further explore "urban sketching" - what do you guys think...
海外でも人気のダイヤモンドネイル。 やり方はどうやるんだろう? ジェルでやるには何が必要?? ということで、必要なアイテムと、手順をおさえつつ実際に挑戦してみました。 今回は、ハートを埋め込む方法で撮影してみましたよ。 ブログも参考にどうぞ♪ 「ダイヤモンドネ...
Serve these homemade Belgian Waffles with berries and freshly whipped cream for brunch this weekend.
The first 1000 people to click the link will get 2 months of Skillshare Premium for FREE https://skl.sh/bernadettebanner3
+ Make sure to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you liked this week's video! 💛 + Comment below to let me know what your favorite DIY was! 💛 + F...
安納斯(安納斯)/繡花刺繡作家插畫http://twutea.web.fc2.com/網店安娜和落聘https://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/海外網店(海外網店)的https:/ /www.etsy.com/jp/shop/Ann...
저희 부부도 요즘 추운데... 먼지 봉지처럼 해볼까봐요^^^^
皆様、カルちゃんへの励ましの言葉を沢山ありがとうございました。 お陰様でカルちゃんはとても元気に過ごしています(^^)
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