How to make fluffy and delicious steamed cakes / NO bake / no butter

by 마미오븐 MOMMY OVEN

How to make fluffy and delicious steamed cakes / NO bake / no butter


Steamed_Cake No_bake No ButterHow to make fluffy and delicious steamed cakes NO bake no butterLet s make delicious steamed cake Subscribe Share Alarm Instagram instagramFacebook page facebook pageThis is my mom s channelShe is 65 years old and introduces her Korean food and Korean street food Subscribe to my mom channel Use translationClick the top right corner of the screen You can see 3 points Click three dots to define the translation Ingredients 4ea Disposable Muffin Pans Available1 egg sugar 60g salt 1g vanilla extract75g milk 5g cooking oilFlour 100g Baking Powder 4gThe video will only be uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV Prohibit unauthorized theft secondary editing and re upload of videos Rude comments will be deleted



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