HOW TO MAKE SECRET WOOD RINGS (NO POWER TOOLS) Tutorial polymer clay resin craft diy

by NerdECrafter

HOW TO MAKE SECRET WOOD RINGS (NO POWER TOOLS)  Tutorial polymer clay resin craft diy


In this week s polymer clay and resin tutorial learn how to make this Fake wood resin ring DIY This project requires no power tools It s quite fun and easy to make You can make your own mold or buy a ring mold online This ring is inspired by the secret wood rings that have been made by so many wood workers I wanted to make my own wood ring but with an easier method This is the easiest way how to make a ring that looks as mystical and straight out of a fantasy realm Materials used Amazing Mold Maker brand for the mold Sculpey clay Sophie and Toffee UV Resin food coloring or UV resin colorant More videos Don t forget to subscribe for weekly videos ヮ Hi fellow dweebs My name is Jackie and I love crafting geeky diys I mainly do polymer clay tutorials but I also do resin crafting felt diys and custom diy soap on my channel but I love experimenting and having fun Let s go on this diy crafting journey together _ Remember to Nerdecrafter on Instagram if you make anything geeky Also if you share my videos you automatically get love and sparkles ノ ヮ ノ ゚ MY INSTAGRAM MY FACEBOOK MY TWITTER MUSIC



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