2019年2月 新作アート「ツイードネイル」の描き方【nai...
2019.1/16(水)より、nailland各店にてオーダーいただけます。 【オーダーはこちら】 http://www.nailland.jp/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00:23 ①ベースジェルを塗布 00:34...
These 3 easy and budget friendly meal prep ideas for bento prove that eating healthy can be delicious and fun A little prep work on Sunday will set you up to eat healthier save money and reduce your stress through the week Check out to see the other 3DollarBento my friends made INGREDIENTS Ajitsuke Tamago Ramen Egg 3 large eggs2 Tbsp soy sauce2 Tbsp mirin2 Tbsp water Grated Carrot Salad 1 large carrot¼ tsp salt kosher or sea salt use half if using table salt freshly ground black pepper¼ tsp sugar1 Tbsp rice vinegar You can use lemon juice 1 Tbsp olive oil Korean Spinach Salad 6 oz 170 g spinach1 Tbsp sesame oil1 clove garlic½ tsp salt Chicken Karaage ½ inch ginger2 cloves garlic½ tsp sugar½ tsp sesame oil½ Tbsp sake or dry sherry ½ Tbsp soy sauce½ lb chicken thigh 1 thigh 2 Tbsp all purpose flour2 Tbsp potato starch corn starchneutral flavor oil vegetable canola etc for frying Chicken Soboro 1 Tbsp neutral flavor oil vegetable canola etc ½ lb ground chicken you can also mince chicken breasts thighs 1 tsp ginger grated with juice 1 Tbsp sake1 Tbsp mirin1 Tbsp sugar2 Tbsp soy sauce Scrambled Eggs 2 large eggs1 Tbsp sugar1 Tbsp neutral flavor oil vegetable canola etc Tuna Salad 1 canned tuna3 Tbsp Japanese mayonnaiseFreshly ground black pepper Other Ingredients RiceBlack sesame seedsGreen leaf lettuceCherry tomatoesBlanched snow peasRed pickled ginger beni shoga Nori seaweed mealprep bento 3dollarchallenge justonecookbook FOLLOW JUST ONE COOKBOOK COOKING EQUIPMENT MUSIC Vegas Onda Norte Morning Light Onda Norte I See Blue Dye O VIDEO EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE Adobe PremiereMeal Prep Bento 3 Bento Challenge 常備菜で3種類のお弁当作り
2019.1/16(水)より、nailland各店にてオーダーいただけます。 【オーダーはこちら】 http://www.nailland.jp/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00:23 ①ベースジェルを塗布 00:34...
Zusammen mit meiner wundervollen Freundin, Nähbuchautorin und Makerist Trainerin Swantje Wendt nähen wir eine geniale geometrische...
Today I introduce you to the latest 10 nail model, i tried to slow down and detail, You can follow step by step. Please let me kno...
وصفات ومقادير في الرابط أسفله 👇 http://365wasfa.com 🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕🆕 👇👇👇👇English Recipes 👇👇👇👇👇 Professional cake 👉http:/...
Remember Nikkie's "nice" holiday makeup look? This week, she's back with a "naughty" look, think sultry eyes and a vampy lip! She ...
I wanted to make pancakes like Starbucks Frappuccino. That's all there is. Because the kiwi is green, I thought it might look like...
Hoy en DECOIDEAS BETH te traigo DIY COLLAR MANDALA ESPIRAL DE LA VIDA | NUDO MANDALA , donde te enseño como hacer este nudo súper...
短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 友達の子供がかっこいいお土産を置いていってくれました(^^) 新おまけコーナー始めました♪
Спасибо за то, что были со мной весь этот год. Желаю вам внутренней гармонии, вдохновения и множество маленьких радостей в грядуще...
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