食欲がない時などにプレミアムフードをあげると声をあげて嬉しそうに食べます。興奮しすぎて食べるスピードが速くなってしまうのが困ったところです。 ※普段ビンゴは尿路結石の形成を抑えるための総合栄養食キャットフードを食べています。 ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! h...
Hey guys In today s Art Journal Thursday episode I m going to show you how to paint cotton candy clouds with watercolors for beginners step by step In this watercolor tutorial I will show you how to paint watercolor sky and clouds in an easy way using simple watercolor techniques Thumbs up for more easy art tutorials NEW VIDEO EVERY THURSDAY SATURDAY Hashtag your artwork recreations with lookmako so I can find it and feature it in my next videos Full list of all the supplies I used English Deutsch Winsor Newton Cotman Watercolour Schmincke Watercolors Hahnemuhle Watercolour Book da Vinci Student Beginner Paint Brushes Acrylic Paint by SchminckeIf you have any questions feel free to comment down below Thank you so much for watching guys have a wonderful day and I will see you on Saturday mako Let s stay in touch Art Crafty Bullet Journal Amino makoccino WANT TO WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS TOP 5 MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Fun Creative Things To Do When You Are Bored At Home Other links MUSIC Joakim Karud Canals Chillhop Essentials Summer 2016 In love with a ghost we ve never met but can we have a coffee or something Disclaimer not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links This means I get a very small commission that may benefit me financially if you buy one of the products mentioned here Links marked with are products that got sent to me for free to use
食欲がない時などにプレミアムフードをあげると声をあげて嬉しそうに食べます。興奮しすぎて食べるスピードが速くなってしまうのが困ったところです。 ※普段ビンゴは尿路結石の形成を抑えるための総合栄養食キャットフードを食べています。 ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! h...
Liv Free demonstrates how you can recreate an ancient Roman style using modern tools and products.
By popular demand, we present a video where Hosico meows, look with the sound! 🔊 This is a very rare shot! 😮💓
哎嘿 今天跟大家来个简单易画的日常妆 用到了Charoloote tilbury她家这次新出的圣诞彩盘 希望你们喜欢喔💕
Easter is almost here, watch our Last minute recipe ideas, for more click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NfQyMQHqwM&index=...
Buy my Sigma brush set here! https://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/240752/146780/2835?u=https://www.sigmabeauty.com/excluded-products-fr...
はなの真実は…。Actually, Hana is... Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
以前の招き猫はこちらの動画で見れます↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feTKLGX02Fc&t=213s 3:33辺りに出てきます(^^)
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