When to Plant your Propagated ...
Many of us spent some of our extra time at home making plant cuttings and propagating them in water. Now, after about a month and...
Feral cats may not want to be near you but they re still great moms for their babies This video shows how you can give feral cats a safe space to raise their young While the kittens can be socialized and adopted a feral adult cat cannot be socialized and does not want to be indoors The safest and best place for them is outdoors after they have been spayed and vaccinated Our social channels Last song is Hushed by Lanterns licensed
Many of us spent some of our extra time at home making plant cuttings and propagating them in water. Now, after about a month and...
こんにちは♡愛沢えみりです♡ 皆さま、新年明けましておめでとうございます。 今回はキャバ嬢メイクです💖💖💖
冷蔵庫シリーズの豆大福です^^ 短い手で標的をチョイチョイする様子に癒されます♬ 最後は恒例になった降りられない豆大福です(笑)
Animals are so sweet and cute but sometimes they can be real pain in the neck! Look how these animals annoy their owners and make ...
育嬰假的老公(馬來西亞人)給太太(日本人)做菜,太太最愛的是哪5道料理呢? 大家喜歡哪一道呢?
As you probably understood I'm a fan of BTS. I recently encountered some cool designs drawn on the basis of their songs and I want...
At any rate, it was Captain Aty, who was in a better mood when he came to the river.
Umm! It's long time I haven't made a 3D pattern, and here it is now: 3D animal macrame, the KOI fishs with 2 styles of the tail. I...
今回は100円ショップ、ダイソーさんで購入した”カラーマグネット” を、キラキラ可愛いオリジナルマグネットに大変身させてみました(^^)♡
▼MENU LIST ①ブロッコリーの茎の塩茹で飾りきり ② 〃 梅おかか和え ③ 〃 海苔ナムル ④ 〃 チーズ焼き ⑤ 〃 と卵のサラダ ⑥ 〃 ツナマヨコーンサラダ ⑦ 〃 バター醤油炒め ⑧ 〃 ガーリックベーコンソテー ⑨エビとブロッコリーのバター炒...
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