I BOUGHT $8 SHAPEWEAR ON WISH! | Was it worth it?

by PinupDollAshleyMarie

I BOUGHT $8 SHAPEWEAR ON WISH! | Was it worth it?


Hey babes Welcome back to my channel Sorry I ve been MIA I posted an update on the community tab if you want to read it but I m working for a new company now YAY Anyway I m exhausted for today s video It is a WISH shapewear haul I m always looking out for affordable shapewear so I thought I would check out Wish Let me know what you think Was it a hit or miss Love you dolls THUMBS UP this video for more shapewear hauls XOXOShapewear in video First Shapewear Second Shapewear Third Shapewear My favorite shapewear yo wear _____________________________________SOCIAL MEDIAADD US ON SNAPCHAT Jashley2007



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