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عشان تشوفون كل فيديو جديد ينزل لاتنسون تشتركون بقناتي
Hi guys Welcome back to my channel if you re new here hit that SUBSCRIBE button and join our little community I don t know about you but my skin lately has needed some extra TLC I m not sure if its stress or if it has to do with the season changing but I was definitely in need of a change in my skincare routine I immediately went to TikTok for some inspiration and found that a lot of TikTokers swear by CeraVe products Not only are they super affordable but they seem to be incredibly popular so I figured why not give it a shot To really test out the goods I used only CeraVe products for one whole week Everything I used this week Includes Hydrating Facial Cleanser Skin Renewing Vitamin C Serum AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 Skin Renewing Retinol Serum PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion Makeup Removing Cleanser Cloths Daily Moisturizing Lotion All linked below For those of you who have used these products before what do you like about them Do you have a favorite product from CeraVe I would love to hear from you guys about your experience so comment below As always just a small disclaimer that I am by no means a dermatologist or a doctor I am just a self proclaimed skincare junkie who loves to try and test products so that I can share my experiences with all of you Also this video is not sponsored I hope you enjoy this video and enjoyed seeing what using only CeraVe products looks like I m curious have any of you changed up your skincare routine since summer has started If so I would love to know what you all have been using in the comments below Also let me know what are some other brands you would want me to do a review on Comment below and let me know I love reading your comments Love Emily Come say hi on my other channels Emily DiDonato TEXT ME 8452024105Links CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser Review at 0 38s and 7 20s
عشان تشوفون كل فيديو جديد ينزل لاتنسون تشتركون بقناتي
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