☆ Ichigo 015 Cosplay Makeup Tutorial Darling in the Franxx ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス コスプレメイク ☆

by Kleiner Pixel

☆ Ichigo 015 Cosplay Makeup Tutorial Darling in the Franxx ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス コスプレメイク ☆


With this cosplay makeup you can make yourself look just like Ichigo from the anime DARLING in the FRANXX OPEN FOR MORE INFO Items Use code pixel to get 10 EXTRA 2 discount Wig styling cutting tutorials and making of videos on my Patreon Use code KP10 to get 10 Products Camera Shoot Edit Makeup me Equipment Find me here FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES Contact me kleinerpixelw gmail comThe cosplay was gifted by CosplaySky I was not paid to make this video Affiliate link They do not cost you anything but I make a small percentage from the sale




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