
by かわにしみき



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5 THINGS you need to know to b...

  • by Lioba Brückner 1350

Heya! In this video, I share my 5 tips on being more self-confident! This topic is very important for me because I was a very inse...

A Sewing Series Ep. 2 // Yer a...

  • by simply_kenna 1534

In the wizarding world i would be a super cool witchy fashion designer. In the real world i am a less cool muggle fashion designer...

Dachshunds enjoy the sun.

  • by Loulou & Friends 1338

Our channels: •Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loulouminidachshund •Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loulouminidachshund •...

Frühlingshafter Astschmuck | D...

  • by einfach kreativ 1293

Aus leeren Teelicht-Hüllen gestaltet Patricia Morgenthaler kleine zauberhafte Vogelkäfige, die als frühlingshafter Astschmuck dien...