Original Painting using a Palette Knife and Brush by Dusan MalobabicIn a Dream Oil Painting on Canvas 10 x 12 inches 25 x 30 cm About MeI m a father of two lovely boys and am living and working as a painter in Perth Western Australia Ever since I can remember I have drawn and painted and told people when I grow up I want to be an artist It started when I was three years old and scribbled throughout Mums not quite out of reach phone pad Reinforced itself when I completed my BA Fine Art Painting from the Victorian College of the Arts and continues to this day I hope you enjoy my paintings and thanks for looking
Focaccia is a delicious Italian flat bread flavored with a extra-virgin olive oil, rosemary and flaky sea salt for the classic ve...
今回はペペロンチーノを作ってみましたよ! 春野菜も使ったのでさっぱりと食べやすいペペロンチーノになりました! 唐辛子はお好みで増やしても大丈夫です!あんまり入れると辛くなりすぎるのでそこだけ気をつけてくださいね!
today i'm teaching y'all how to draw cherry blossoms / sakura 🌸✨ My February 2019 Plan with Me: https://youtu.be/V3zdoMJ01uM My Ot...
♡ Subscribe + hit the bell to never miss an upload: http://bit.ly/SLDIY for more videos! ♡ Support on Patreon: http://patreon.com/...
COME THRUUUU SKIN CARE! Today I'm testing out the brand new TARTE Cosmetics Bright & Tight Clay Multi-Mask! This $40.00 mask is al...
Ice cream rolls with Durian fruit mix with cream for ice cream rolls and than topping with more Durain at the end.
※English text →The last half!! こんにちは!マイニー ネイル ネイリスト酒井です。 ご視聴ありがとうございます♪ ◇チャンネル登録はこちらから↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/c/MaineenailT...
前回の編みつけ用のレザー底ですが、 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVc8EybaFc ) こんな感じで進んでいます☺️人気の夏糸、「エコアンダリヤ」で編んでいますが、 針のサイズを変更したのでひとまずお知らせです。
An easy vintage hairstyle inspired by Belle from "Beauty & the Beast" x
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