使用画材 紙:アルシュ極細 ペン:コピックマルチライナー 絵の具:ホルベイン透明水彩 カラーインク
Hey guys I asked you on Instagram to choose what tools you wanted me to paint with what colour palette you wanted me to use and a few general characteristics of this piece Based on your answers I came up with THIS What is it You ll have to watch to find out Let me know how you think I did in the commentsxox DanaLINKS MENTIONED orPRODUCTS USED MUSIC _____________________________________________Visit Me LOVE YOU wonderWatercolour Some links included in this description such as Amazon links to products may be affiliate links
使用画材 紙:アルシュ極細 ペン:コピックマルチライナー 絵の具:ホルベイン透明水彩 カラーインク
Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this natural makeup look :D
Hi, my lovelies! This video shows the process of Meillandina, I talk about random stuff and my accent 😝
Eyeliner Tutorials & Amazing Eye Makeup Ideas 2018
Show how to make a simple beaded vintage ring with red bicone crystal beads and gold seed beads 展示如何制作一个简单的复古风串珠戒指,使用的是红色菱形水晶和金色米...
皆様、こんにちは。 MAINEE(マイニー)です。 いつもご視聴ありがとうございます。
この動画はココナラとのタイアップ動画です。 iOS:http://bit.ly/2tHE7vq Android:http://bit.ly/2uQG6MB 8/1〜1ヶ月間、占い結果公表してるよ!
Cat in heat = a cat comes into heat when she sexually matures, meaning that she is fertile and receptive to mating. I came across ...
Hi everyone,
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