PLAN WITH ME ♡ December ♡ + GIVEAWAY (+ PRINTABLE) | 2018 |

by Kalliopi Lyviaki

PLAN WITH ME ♡ December ♡ + GIVEAWAY (+ PRINTABLE) | 2018 |


Heyo pretty people GIVEAWAY RULES and INFO 2 Like the video3 Leave a commentOne 1 lucky winner will win one bullet journal notebook of choice either by Scribbles that Matter or by Dingbats The giveaway will close at 14 12 2018 and the winner will be announced here in this description box OPEN INTERNATIONALLYThis is a small gesture to give back some of your love Thank you so much for being here FOLLOW ME Business Inquiries and Commissions kalliopilyviaki hotmail com SUPPLIES I USUALLY USE MUSIC FILMING EQUIPMENTedited on Davinci ResolveThank you so much for watching If you want to support my art you can purchase through the Amazon links listed above I get a tiny percentage of the sale every little move helps me a lot no extra charge for you kisses



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