DIY Cup Noodles MOMOFUKU Noodles Review

by japanesestuffchannel

DIY Cup Noodles MOMOFUKU Noodles Review


DIY cup noodles MOMOFUKU Noodles The whole wheat flour noodles are non fried noodles the soup is smoothie soup and the ingredients are vegetable cubes The only thing is they use pork and chicken extract for adding savory But making your own noodles is very interesting You can choose a smoothie soup from 3 Green spinach broccoli Red tomato red paprika Yellow carrot coconut milk and 4 Yasaikoro vegetable cube from 10 tomato beet green soybean carrot potato pumpkin corn avocado red bell pepper spinach The total combination is 2145 The MOMOFUKU Noodles is at Umeda Hankyu Department Store Osaka DIY Cup Ramen Noodles at Cup Noodles Museum Cup Ramen Noodles Special Timer Kitchen Gadgets Weird Boiled Egg Maker Cooking Hacks DIY cupnoodles momofuku




  • by UVレジンチャンネル hutatuki 1412

水族館でくらげを見たので、くらげと海のペンダントトップを作りました。 やっぱりUVレジンと海は相性がいいですね。 写真を撮ったらすごく青っぽくなってしまいました。 実際に見ると、もう少し緑っぽい色なんです( ̄▽ ̄;)