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- 매콤하게 볶아진 제육볶음 하나면 메뉴 걱정 끝! 어떤 날에도 잘 어울리는 고추장 제육볶음이랍니다. 밥에 쓱쓱 비벼 먹어도, 안주로 곁들여도 참 좋죠. 깻잎을 활용해 예쁘게 플레이팅하면 초대요리로도 손색없답니다.
Today we re going DEEP into the heart of downtown Marrakech to try some AMAZING Moroccan Street Food You can explore with us as we explore Jamaa el fnaa the main square in downtown Marrakech This was my first time traveling to Marrakech Morocco and I fell in love with the atmosphere and Moroccan street food scene immediately In Marrakech there is an old atmosphere that makes you feel like you re walking into an ancient movie First we are trying some amazing Moroccan lamb It had some delicious Moroccan spices and seasonings and was extremely juicy Our friend Firas brought us to stall 13 in Jama el Fna They also had another classic Moroccan food the Tanjia This was huge chunks of moroccan lamb put into a clay pot and boiled with smen moroccan preserved butter and preserved lemons It was extremely tender and juicy and flavoured really well with moroccan spice and seasonings like salt and cumin and dipped with bread And of course in Jama Al Fna there was a lot of other moroccan foods like Moroccan Tagine Merguez sausages fresh orange juice snail soup which was delicious and of course Moroccan mint tea If you visit Morocco make sure to come to the downtown Jamaa Al Fnaa square in Marrakech The food here was super delicious and the energy was amazing especially on your first night right after coming off the plane That rush is amazing The Morocco Street Food that we found in this street food vlog is listed below 1 Morrocan Tanjia steamed meat and sheep head Found at stall number 13 in Jamaa Al Fna2 Amazing Moroccan Snail Soup Bebouch We found this one at stall 5 3 Fresh glass of Moroccan Orange juice Stall 19 Make sure you re following The Food Ranger here The Food Ranger YouTube www youtube com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger Instagram www instagram com thefoodrangerThe Food Ranger FB www facebook com thefoodrangerABOUT THE FOOD RANGERMy name is Trevor James and I m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that s currently living in Chengdu Szechuan China eating up as much delicious I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I m going to make videos for YOU along the way Over the next few years I m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you I love delicious food This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge Thanks for watching and please feel free to leave a comment suggestion or critique in the comments below Please make sure to subscribe it s the best way to keep my videos in your feed and give me a thumbs up too if you liked this food video thanks I appreciate it You could also share the video too if you liked it that would be awesome MY GEAR AND RESOURCES BEST VPN FOR CHINA ACCESS YOUTUBE Thanks so much for watching all of my Moroccan street food tour videos المغرب maroc المغربي مراكش
- 매콤하게 볶아진 제육볶음 하나면 메뉴 걱정 끝! 어떤 날에도 잘 어울리는 고추장 제육볶음이랍니다. 밥에 쓱쓱 비벼 먹어도, 안주로 곁들여도 참 좋죠. 깻잎을 활용해 예쁘게 플레이팅하면 초대요리로도 손색없답니다.
今回はカラー別、春新作リップを紹介しました💄💋 春はパステルのカラーやフレッシュなイメージがあると思いますが春なのにダークなカラーリップもあったりして新鮮でした💑✨ みなさんも参考にして春リップメイクを楽しんでみてくださいね!!
#猫 #子猫 #ぽてと #cat #kitten あと少しで生後2ヶ月、ベッドにも上がれるようになってさらにやんちゃっぷりが増してきた子猫のぽてと。 そんな遊びたい盛りのぽてとに珍事件発生! まさかの姿におもわず笑ってしまうかも?!
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