Japan Stationery Haul | What I bought in Japan!

by AmandaRachLee

Japan Stationery Haul | What I bought in Japan!


when I was in Japan of course I had to visit all the huge stationery stores I m not even sure how I got all this back home to be honest STORES I WENT TO Itoya Ginza location Tokyu Hands Ginza and Shibuya F O L L O W M EBusiness Inquiries amandarachlee gmail com G I V E A W A Y1 Subscribe to me on YouTube2 Follow amandarachlee on Instagram3 Comment on this picture and tag a friend Giveaway is open internationally and will end on June 15th Editor Kassy GaschoAnimation Design Sirana Huang D I S C L A I M E RThis video is not sponsored



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