Thread Painting Tutorial by Lolli and Grace

by Lolli and Grace

Thread Painting Tutorial by Lolli and Grace


Etsy shop www lolliandgrace etsy comInstagram lolliandgraceThis is the video tutorial that accompanies the Mushroom PDF pattern You can purchase this pattern in my Etsy shop see address above Time markers for topics in this video 2 30 Four components of thread painting4 05 Basic demonstration of how to paint with thread12 12 Transferring the pattern to your fabric13 39 Stitching the first row of the first color16 17 Removing a knot18 15 Stitching the second row of the first color23 36 Stitching the second color27 26 Stitching the third color27 35 Discussion of stitch direction30 39 Stitching a narrow section32 29 Stitching an area staggered on the top and bottom33 40 Stitching the remainder of the mushroom cap35 21 Stitching the stem




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