Needle tatting. Earrings with ...
Multi-layered earrings with pearl beads for needle tatters ❤ ↓↓↓EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS ↓↓↓
Japanese Calligraphy with Fountain pen 万年筆で日本語 漢字の書き方 持ち方夏祭りSummer festival君の髪の香りはじけたKimi no kami no kaori hajiketa The scent of your hair was in the air浴衣姿がまぶしすぎて Yukata sugata ga mabushi sugite You looked so dazzling in your yukataお祭りの夜は胸がさわいだよ Omatsuri no yoru wa mune ga sawai dayo My heart fluttered on the night of the festivalプラチナ万年筆 蒔絵Platinum Fountain pensub
Multi-layered earrings with pearl beads for needle tatters ❤ ↓↓↓EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS ↓↓↓
Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - PAT MCGRATH - Blitz Astral Quad - Ritualistic Rose Review. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
Be sure to use the code "ALLIE" or "HOLIDAY" for 20% OFF at (the 20% is for a limited time, afterwards you...
Hi guys! Today I decided to just paint a sketchbook doodle of the plants that I bought on my short trip. When I got these I didn't...
I bought some new products from Sephora ad thought let's test them out together! I will also be trying out the new Fenty Beauty Co...
Thanks for watching!Show more(请下拉查询详细信息)↓ 真的好久没有上传视频了,失踪人口回归啦!这次视频主要是推荐一些我个人觉得可以入手的优衣库×IDLF的单品。这个系列有惊喜,当然也有很多hold不住的南法风情,希望能给你们一个参...
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