일본에서 사온 물건 하울
気になってたKATEの新作をレビューしてみました 久しぶりにケイトのアイシャドウ買ったけど これはいいかも 簡単に海外風のメイクができるよ みんなも試してみてねー Hey guys It s foundation and eyeshadow by KATE review and swatches video Did you guys enjoy that So if you like it please give me a thumbs up and subscribe my channel Bye お手紙の送り先 106 6137 東京都港区六本木 6 10 1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー 37階UUUM yurika mul 宛 モーニングルーティーン カーキ オレンジメイク スキンケアroutine 肌に優しいベースメイク グアムChitChat 自己紹介 Thank you KATE パウダリースキンメーカー 02自然な肌 1600 税 スモーキーラウンドアイズ RD 1 1200 税
When this monkey was rescued she was scared and alone. Luckily this cat adopted her but when it was time for the monkey to be rele...
This bracelet has an easy pattern ,can be made with any colored beads. If you like this beaded bracelet tutorial don't forget to ...
A review and wear test for a new magnetic liner and lashes from Eylure that can be found in WalMart stores. These retail for $15 p...
Hey, it's Jackie Wyers & THUMBS UP if you enjoyed this iconic 60s makeup tutorial! We are recreating another ICONIC "Vogue" Photo,...
00:04 Unexpected avocado hacks 00:22 Crispy avocado fries 00:49 Avolatte 01:38 Avocado soap 02:58 Amazing benefits of cucumbers 03...
#Venalisa #Распаковка #Кошачий_глаз Всем Здравствуйте! Сегодня в видео будет распаковка посылки с Aliexpress, оф.магазин Venalisa...
I needed to organize this room, it was making me crazy that everything was just thrown in there after the move. I decided to docum...
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