Kawaii Doodle Cuties Book Preview

by Pic Candle

Kawaii Doodle Cuties Book Preview


COMING NEXT MONTH Kawaii Doodle Cuties Sketching Super Cute Stuff from Around the World Pre order your copy on Amazon ノ ヮ ノ ゚ Thank you so much to everybody who already pre ordered the book Kawaii Doodle Cuties will be releasing next month on November 6th It has more than 65 step by step kawaii characters from countries all over the world divided into sections like Adorable Food Precious Nature Natural Wonders Enchanting Architecture Monuments etc Just like the previous book Kawaii Doodle Class it contains Inspiration boards at the end of chapters and Search and Find spreads at the end of the book which you can also color FEW LINKS If you re from Asia or if you can t purchase from Amazon or shipping costs are too high you can order the book from BookDepository They offer free international shipping IDK why the actual cover is not showing on their website The book cover will be what is shown in the video My previous books Social Media Shop 2018 Zainab Khan All Rights Reserved Do not re upload this video to any other website or your Facebook page You can share the link to this original video



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