くまみきさんとのコラボの動画はこちら! https://youtu.be/uTH5LkGX51g
JayLee is a specialized watercolor artist Jay is showing how to paint flowers nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered Channel MembershipPlease become a member of my channel You can buy me a cup of coffee Patreon DonationI do this as my full time job so your support is very much appreciated 안녕하세요 제이입니다 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국 독일을 비롯해 많은 외국사람들이 봐주세요 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다 哈囉 大家好 我來自韓國 因為老婆是台灣人 所以住在台灣 我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法 謝謝你們的觀看 Jay Lee 水彩畫畫課 MusicPrelude No 2 by Chris Zabriskie Prelude No 6 by Chris ZabriskieMesmerize by Kevin MacLeod ContactsIG FB jayartpaintingE mail tkstoryman hotmail com If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
くまみきさんとのコラボの動画はこちら! https://youtu.be/uTH5LkGX51g
(リラックスしすぎて独り言多めです💦) 引き揃えたり組み合わせたりすると自分だけのオリジナル糸が完成! とっても楽しいので是非試して見て欲しいです。 ちょっとの糸で小さな円を編むだけでも遊べると思います👍
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Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
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