★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は…https://line.me/S/sticker/5110598 ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr 発売!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Calendar!...
Hi guys I made a small handbag with a card case for this week s project I used Shrunken calf leather which is used by Hermes I m sharing the pattern via the link below Please give it a like for this video and Subscribe when you download it It s free for 5days Hope you guys enjoy my video Thank you for watching PATTERN LINK Thank you for you support READ THIS IF YOU RE USING MY TEMPLATE You can promote my channel and share links but the following actions are unacceptable Pretending to be HahnsAtelier Selling my patterns Distributing my patterns without my permission Unauthorized uploading of my videos to other channel sites without creditIt CAN T be used in anything monetized or commercial You can use my template for non commercial purposes personal use only Contact me if you want to use my video or template for any commercial purposes I won t be held accountable for whatever happens Leather Thickness PERLINGER Shrunken Calf Thickness 3mm 7oz Supplier EzerLeather Instagram ezerleather www ezerleather com Instagram hahn_atelier Tools Leather stitching pony Dream factoryU S A CANADA rmleathersupplyJapan globalhighendtoolsHongKong yuefungbuttonEU leatherhouse eu Pricking iron KS bladeWorldwide Delivery leathercraft makingabag handbagCOPYRIGHT 2018 HAHNSATELIER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は…https://line.me/S/sticker/5110598 ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr 発売!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Calendar!...
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Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
ご視聴ありがとうございます。 うさぎのトイレ動画です。
若干ヒゲがずれてますが。The mustache is slightly out of position. ------------------------------------------------------------- まるの動くラインスタンプ発売...
So here we are again, Phil was last washed over 2 months ago but as you'll see from the video he is filthy!
In this video I make a special knife for leather work. An interesting challenge as always!
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Do you like handmade art and satisfying videos? Check out this awesome compilation of original and unique wax seals by rippels_pap...
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